The Hanover Academic Experiences. Part II

Wednesday, July 9
Weather: Mostly sunny, high of 80, low of 56

1. Simulated language immersion Master Class
2. Simulated language drills
3. Debriefing discussion
4. Rassias Workshop (DCAL)
5. Reflection time (DCAL)
6. Discussion session with John Rassias (DCAL)
7. Talk by Lauren Clarke, Executive Director, Master of Arts in Liberal Studies, Darmouth College “Challenging Assumptions of Language Learning”. Part 1

Wow! In order to live Rassias’ Method we had different language lessons (Japanese, German, and French). My first experience with the Method… We tried, failed, received feedback, and tried again and again before anyone makes a judgment of our work. Definitely it was a very constructive experience. Wonderful!

To be in a Workshop with John Rassias is an amazing experience, is to be in a very human act. He contact you face-to-face, eye-to-eye, heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul.
During the Workshop we felt we could learn. This principle of the Method facilitated a most deeply learning process. “Juanmoretime” pushed all parts of our bodies to participate in the act of communication. We could feel passion, commitment, emotion, and love. All good teachers must know this man and his Method.

Here some photos during the Workshop…

Statements for the reflection (all pronounced by John Rassias during the Discussion Session):
- The DNA of culture is language.
- Speak to learn not learn to speak (a principle of the Philosophy in the Method).
- If everything is predictable the class dies.
- Every language teacher should study another language, look at it, see how it’s done, and compare to what is done by oneself.

To close this journey with diamonds a Talk by Lauren Clarke. She made us think. She suggested to us to ask the “Why Questions”… Why are we learning this? She suggested to us looking behind immediate tasks… With which statement do we agree more?
a) Education is inherently political.
b) Good education is politically neutral?
Lauren forced us to think... A better way to finish the day? I don’t think so.

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